Cosmo Identity
Cosmo Identity Points/Tiers. I've never really paid attention to my Identity Points at Cosmo. They've been generous with room comps (4 nights free in December) and usually comping room charges at the end of my stay. I just checked my balance and I have 37,000 points. That seems to be worth $370. Earn five Identity Points for every $1.00 spent on non-gaming activities, and one Identity Point for every $2.50 wagered on reel slots and every $6.00 wagered on video poker machines. As you progress, you’ll earn even more—Sterling and Gold members earn double Identity Points on. Valid for travel now - December 29, 2021. 20% off your stay when you book 2-nights or more. Must book at least 60 days in advance. Start Date End Date. Rooms and Suites. Arrive Mar 6, 2021. Martha Nussbaum defines the ‘cosmopolitan’ as “the person whose primary allegiance is to the community of human beings in the entire world” ‘global humanity’. The word “cosmopolitan” comes from the Greek kosmos, ‘world’ and polis, ‘city’.
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- Participants must be an invited Identity Membership & Rewards Member and at least 21 years of age with a valid and current government issued identification.
- To participate in the Match My Offer Promotion, the Participant must have a complete Identity Membership & Rewards account which includes name, birthday, address, phone number, and e-mail address which may be updated at the time of submission to participate.
- Match My Offer Promotion will be considered from any luxury Las Vegas Strip Properties only. Offers from online games, such as myvegas, will not be honored. The Cosmopolitan reserves all rights to modify the properties which are applicable.
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Cosmo Identity Points
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- Clearly defined complimentary offerings
- Categories that may be considered for matching include Complimentary Room Nights, Food & Beverage credit, and/or Free Slot Play. Match My Offer will not be considered for any type of Promotional Chips or free Table Play. Event offers may be considered for Match My Offer for comparable events, as determined by the Cosmopolitan.
- Room nights may include resort fee and a credit card will be required upon booking. When checking in your credit card will be authorized for $150 per night for incidentals and will be released upon checkout. Any Promotional Food & Beverage credit may be used at any of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas venues and must be charged back to the room for the credit to be used. Free Slot Play will be valid for seven days from issuance during trip and must be redeemed at Identity Membership & Rewards during business hours. Free Slot Play matches will be capped at a maximum of $1,000. A minimum amount of Casino Play may be required before the total Free Slot Play component is awarded in its entirety.
- Participants are responsible for all gratuities, taxes, and all other incidentals.
- Blackout dates may apply. One redemption per household.
- When submitting, Participant must send a photo of their current mail or e-mail offer to along with the future dates they are requesting to stay. A picture of their Players Card from the Las Vegas Strip property should be included when possible. If offers cannot be clearly read, management reserves the right to request more information from Participant. Photos of offer from computer screens and forwarding offer emails directly may also be accepted.
- Participant will receive a response within 3-5 business days from the Match My Offer e-mail address on the specifics that will be matched of the Las Vegas Strip Property offer.
- Tampering or altering offers is prohibited and could result in exclusion from all future offers from The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.
- Additional complimentaries outside of the Match My Offer being matched will be based on casino play and reviewed at the end of the Participant’s stay. Please see Identity Membership & Rewards or designated Casino Host desk for evaluation.
- Any Match My Offers extended to Participants may be based on individual factors and may not be used as precedent.
- The Cosmopolitan reserves all rights regarding all Match My Offers, similar and/or comparable offers may be used by The Cosmopolitan.
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- All actions of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas including but not limited to partial match offers, the decline of match offers, and requesting additional information are within the sole and absolute discretion of The Cosmopolitan.
The decisions of The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas regarding all aspects of this promotion are final and binding, subject to NRS 463.362.

Cosmopolitan Identity
Cosmopolitanism could be regarded as the nature of people from allover the globe coming together and living as one moral community. It mostly touches on the economic, political and the social perspectives or the relationship of the superstructures between nations and persons. Etymologically, the term is derived from two Greek words that is, Cosmos – universe and Polis – city. Cosmopolitanism is only realized when people come to live together where they co exist and interdepend.” Cosmopolitan identity is fluid, dynamic, open and prerogative of a selected elite.
” Guibernau (168)The main focus of this essay is to shed light on what is a ‘cosmopolitan identity’ and what are the social conditions that allow for the creation of cosmopolitan identities? Given the characteristics of the cosmopolitan citizen, is it fair to say that such identities are the privilege of wealthy citizens?
Cosmopolitan identity is of late being expressed as intensification and the global expansion process that enables people to develop a vivid idea on the number of people in a particular region, their composition and their humanistic features.
In the past, lack of broad national outlook led people to neglect human diversity in terms of culture and civilizations. This led people to start describing the whole world from their limited and narrow way of looking at things or in short, they were using their cultural parameters to judge those of others. Beck U. (2006)
Cosmopolitan identity can only be realized if there is dialogue, interdependence, mutual understanding and that people deeply respect and acknowledge the existence of diverse cultural practices. This would be possible if people would show some understanding basing their knowledge on both social and geographical milieu upon which those these cultures are bred. Everingham C. (2003; 56) For cosmopolitan identity to be promoted then, relentless efforts should be directed towards counteracting those retrogressive ideologies that enhance cultural divisions and we try to change and do away with our old value systems as well as our social practices that impede us against the achievement of human equality and freedom. The desire to transcend ethnocentrism while achieving a radical transformation of the social can never be achieved if cosmopolitan identity is made to fit the outlook of a single culture.”(Gulbernau 169)
Cosmopolitan identity therefore is not something that is hard to achieve but cannot be realized if people do not stop seeing the culture of other people as inferior to their own because of using it to judge other cultures. This is what is referred by anthropologists as ethnocentrism and it means using your culture as the standard criteria for judging others. This is a very dangerous weapon as instead of promoting cultural integration, it works to create further divisions. People start ignoring the existence of other diverse cultures and this is something that inhibits cultural integration and coexistence of people. “Moral becoming and radical self recreation are prerequisites for the emergence of a cosmopolitan ethos. The moral composition cannot emerge ex-nihilo. Her cosmopolitan identity emerges after a moral becoming is embraced as a principled way of living in the world.” Hill J.D. (2000; 3)
The identity is achievable if the past thoughts could be discarded and be replaced with new ones that have no tribal relations and people re-socialize themselves as people belonging to one large community with no different national identities. According to Hill J.D., (2000; 8) he calls this the seriousness spirit that has strong attachment to social cultural inheritance that should be discarded and be exchanged with a new self that is open to cosmopolitan spirit. It is this spirit that that liberates people from being trapped in the shackles of attitudes and categories that classify race and ethnicity.
The human race has never regarded itself as a single community because they still cherish and hold their different national identities but the eventual realization of a cosmopolitan identity could change all this if the idea of human sharing of dignity and self conditions, respecting other people irrespective of their cultural backgrounds as well as promoting equality and freedom to all. Realization of this identity is what Hill J.D. (2000; 4) refers to as becoming and he terms this as radical freedom. He says it is opening yourself up and allowing all types of cultures to be accessible to one while reserving your judgments for they are ingredients of social disintegration.
If cosmopolitan identity is achieved, then the political institutions, representations and all cultures that are associated with them would be transformed in a way that would allow the cosmopolitan identity to be enhanced. Legislative, judicial and executive powers would all embrace the principles of cosmopolitan identity. There would result a particular national culture as per the principles of a cosmopolitan identity as ethnic and various cultural identities be dropped. Today, matters of local and national interest as well as international and transnational concerns are put ahead of humanity causes that would benefit the whole world for example things like global environmental conservations continue to take a back seat and are rarely given the considerations that they deserve. Hargreaves A. (2003)

One of the means through which cosmopolitan identity would be realized is by promoting a single means of communication as it is the only way that understanding and communication across the word would be achieved. Though English language is the language that is in most parts of the world, it has not yet globally become the lingua franca or to be precise the only international means of communication. According to Gulbernau (p. 175), it is very hard for cosmopolitan identity to be achieved if there is no particular means of communication that would enable people from allover the world to communicate and understand one another.
In my view, cosmopolitan identity is a preserve of the wealthy people. This is because, most cosmopolitans are members who belong to the middle class and the upper class and again are people who speak English language as their lingua franca or mother tongue. These people possess substantial amount of resources that enable 5them to enjoy good lifestyles as they can afford classy materials. They enjoy the emerging information technological items that are very sophisticated. “Cosmopolitans represent a new class free from national attachments and eager to transcend the limits of their national and local communities. They enjoy traveling a world that, for them, has truly become a single place.” Gulbernau (168)
In conclusion, it could be said that empathy, closeness and solidarity are fostered by national identity but cosmopolitan identity is a psychological thing. It all starts with the mind where people must reorganize their manner of thinking and stop thinking about their cultural background. If people can start seeing each other as brothers and sisters, then the cosmopolitan identity could be realized. It is something that is only enjoyed by those with enough resources who can afford good lifestyles.
Hill J.D. Becoming a Cosmopolitan: What it means to become a Human Being in the New Millennium. Rowland and Littlefield. 2000.
Gilbernau M., Montserrat M. and Berdun G.I. The Identity of Nations. Polity Publishers. 2008.
Hargreaves A. Teaching in the Knowledge society: Education in the Age of Insecurity. Routledge. 2003; 154-162
Cosmo Identity Rewards
Beck U. The Cosmopolitan Vision. Cambridge: Polity Press. 2006, 41
Cosmo Identity
Everingham C. Social Justice and the Politics of Community. Ashgate Publishing Ltd. 2003.