How To Read Blackjack Strategy Chart
- When you read blackjack charts, the player score is usually depicted to the left in columns, while the dealer’s cards are in rows. Note: Some blackjack charts use “+” for hit and “-” for stand.
- The blackjack strategy chart was invented decade after the card counting, the most famous and effective cheating method in the history of blackjack. Let's have a close look at the basic blackjack strategy chart: There are various blackjack charts specially designed for soft hand, hard hand and splitting pairs. But the above given chart helps.
- If you want the dummy’s guide to blackjack strategy, you’ll do well with our top blackjack strategy tips. Reference a strategy chart: After your cards have been dealt, compare your hand with the dealer’s up card by reading our strategy chart above. This chart will indicate the.
The type of strategy chart depends on some factors such as whether the dealer hits or stands on soft 17. There is a 4 deck to 8 deck Blackjack strategy. For you to use the basic strategy, you look up your hand from the vertical edge and the upcard of the dealer. In these two cases, an A stands for an Ace. As you can see, the standard blackjack chart consists of 2 columns where the vertical one shows the cards you have as a player, and the horizontal one shows the open card of a dealer: everything you should do is to put these two lines together, and the place where these two.

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How to Use Blackjack Strategy Charts
This section contains blackjack strategy charts. These charts vary by both type of blackjack and playing location. If this is your first time to see blackjack strategy charts, you should view our blackjack basic strategy section before you begin. These blackjack strategy charts are based on blackjack basic strategy and offer no guaranteed winning system. They simply display the correct mathematical decision you should make for every blackjack situation.
Using Blackjack Strategy Charts

Using blackjack strategy charts isn't complicated if you know how to read and understand the charts. The left vertical column of the charts is your hand and the top horizontal column is the dealer's hand. On the charts, A stands for Ace. Simply line up the columns where your hand meets the dealer's hand, to find the correct play. The abbreviations below are commonly found on blackjack strategy charts:
- H - Hit
- S - Stand
- D - Double if allowed, otherwise hit
- Ds - Double if allowed, otherwise stand
- P - Split
- H/P - Split if you can double after split, otherwise hit
- H/R - Surrender if allowed, otherwise hit
- P/R - Surrender if allowed, otherwise split
- S/R - Surrender if allowed, otherwise stand
See also:

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Card Counting as One of the Blackjack Strategies
Card counting is a buzzword in any blackjack strategy, yet you need to know that it is not a panacea – an all-out solution for anything blackjack-related. Counting cards is an intellectual challenge and carries risk, because most casinos forbid it.

When done right, this basic, yet highly-efficient, strategy can take you a long way at any land-based casino, but it has zero utility in online casinos, because the decks are reshuffled each time a hand has been played.
This eliminates any opportunities to card count reliably online. However, you can benefit from this blackjack strategy at most retail and commercial casinos. To get yourself involved in card counting, you will need to study, have rudimentary mathematical knowledge, and be very patient.
Only if these three conditions are met can you begin to grasp card counting. Time will be of the essence in order to grasp the necessary skills to count cards, and you will need to practice. With this said, let’s take a look at what the blackjack basic strategy principles of card counting are:
- Assign a value to each card
- Start counting
- Calculate the “true count” per deck
- Adjust your bet based on the true count
- Bring the house down
You see, these four conditions are in fact very simple to follow through with. Assigning a card value is the simplest. Most players go with the following values in their blackjack strategy:
Blackjack Single Deck Strategy Chart
- 2-6 = +1
- 7-9 = 0
- 10-Ace = -1
Once you have the values, all you have to do is pay attention and count the cards. A single deck would allow you to figure out the true count, as there are no additional challenges. But this is where your blackjack basic strategy should begin to adapt.
Casinos are aware of card counters; in fact, they employ many card counters to help them catch other players who are counting cards. Therefore, casinos have introduced additional decks to make your job more difficult.
Now, the true count is split between several decks and you need to keep track, adjusting your bets. But this is not quite all. There are additional challenges threatening to throw a spanner in your blackjack strategy.
For starters, a dealer might chat you up, a waitress may start bringing drinks your way in an effort to see if you are easily distracted or focused on the game – almost always a dead giveaway you are counting cards. With this said, you are probably wondering right now – is card counting worth it? The simple answer is yes; any blackjack strategy will benefit from counting cards. Here are a few things to keep in mind however:
- The casino will actively pursue you if you are a card counter, especially if you’re good at it
- You can be asked to leave if you win too much and systematically
- To master card counting, you will need months, if not years
- Casinos use artificial intelligence, card counters and staff to see if a winning customer is a counter
- A dealer might shuffle the deck if he suspects a customer is winning too much, or request a new deck and cards
How To Read Blackjack Strategy Chart
This sums up card counting, painting one of the most popular blackjack strategies in broad strokes. Card counting is worthwhile, but you must commit to it over a long period of time to see benefits.