Paddy Power Add New Card
Although online betting is extremely convenient in a great many ways, there are times when it can be an inconvenience and the most obvious of these is when you want access to your winnings. In many cases, a punter can have to wait 2-3 days or maybe longer for their cash to be transferred from their account to their card, bank account or another chosen payment method.
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However, to resolve this, Paddy Power have now come up with the perfect answer, the Paddy Power Cash Card PPlus.
At a single stroke, Paddy Power have now offered any of its customers that elect to request and use one of these cards instant access to their winnings, in cash, withdrawn from an ATM machine.
What is the Paddy Power Cash Card PPlus?
The Paddy Power Cash Card PPlus is a debit card (offered by IDT Financial Services using MasterCard) that operates from your Paddy Power online account, rather than a separate credit account (as how a credit card would operate) or from your own bank account (as your personal debit card operates).
What this card does is allow you access to any funds in your Paddy Power account from the moment they are added to the account, through using the Paddy Power Cash Card PPlus as you would a standard debit card.
The great thing about the card is that it allows punters immediate access to any withdrawable funds in their account. Furthermore, you cannot go overdrawn on your card as it will not authorise a payment that you cannot fund from the reserves in your account.
With no charges to pay, no debt incurred, Paddy Power Cash Card PPlus offers a simple, cost-effective and immediate solution to the issue of getting your hands on your online winnings quickly and easily.
How get a Paddy Power PPlus Card
If you would like a Paddy Power Cash Card PPlus then you need to request one from Paddy Power. This is a simple process:
- First you need a Paddy Power account – click here to open an account now!
- Log into your account and click on “My Account” at
- Click into the Cash Card PPlus menu.
- Click the “Request a Card” button and submit the details requested.
- You will then receive your Paddy Power Cash Card PPlus, and also a secure PIN Number for it, within 14 days.
Paddy Power Add Card
How to set up and use the card
Once you have received the card, you simply log back in to your Paddy Power account and activate the card with them in the My Account section to set up the link between your card and your Paddy Power account. Once this is completed, you can now use your Paddy Power Cash Card PPlus as you would a standard debit card.
This means you can:
- Withdraw any funds held in your Paddy Power account from any ATM that accepts Mastercard.
- You can pay for items in any shop, restaurant, bar or other location that accepts MasterCard either using Chip and Pin or using Contactless payment technology. You can even use the card to receive Cash Back from the assistant if the shop offers the service.
- You can use your Paddy Power Cash Card PPlus to pay for goods online.

Should you bother?
Essentially, what this card from Paddy Power offers you is a pre-paid debit card, similar to the cards you can get to take away your holiday spends with you. The card offers you all the flexibility of a credit or debit card, while stopping you running up any debt as it only operates from the balance that it is linked to, in this case your Paddy Power online account balance.
If you request to make a payment that would use up more than the available funds in your Paddy Power Account, then your request would be declined, thus ensuring that you can never fall into debt using the card.
There are tangible benefits to holding the card, especially if you have a lot of money tied up in your Paddy Power account and would like instant access to it. For these punters especially, the card is the easiest way to access your funds quickly and easily.

However, even for infrequent punters, the card offers a simple solution to receiving and using your winnings achieved online quickly and easily.
User Comments
- February 28, 2021
Hi can you add money onto your card at a post office? Like you can with a bank account with Yorkshire bank and many others? Or do you have to travel miles to your nearest paddy power betting shop to do it? Thankyou.
- March 1, 2021
As I understand it Kendra you need to do this in a Paddy Power shop – probably worth checking with their support team to be sure though.