Printable Super Bowl 54 Squares
Super Bowl Squares: The super bowl square is fun and easy to set up. Have it up and running in minutes and start enjoying the game with the people around you in a manner that you like. It is actually a simple pool built around visual chart. You really do not have to have skill or knowledge of the game to take part. Our Football Square Rules article goes a little more in depth. Step 1 Print the square grid from above. Step 2 Take the grid around to family, friends, and co-workers, having each participant place their name in the square or squares of their choice. If you think you will be unable to fill the entire grid check out our 100 square grid or 50.
- Printable Super Bowl 54 Squares
- Printable Super Bowl 54 Squares Grid
- Printable Super Bowl 54 Squares
- Super Bowl 54 Squares Chiefs
- Games like the Super Bowl squares will be popular when the Chiefs face the 49ers in Super Bowl 54. Pic credit: Highlight Heaven/YouTube. The Kansas City Chiefs and San Francisco 49ers are heading.
- 25 Squares Printable. Sep 03, 2010 Other By Printablee No Comment 25 Squares Printable. 25 Square Football Pool Grid. Super Bowl Squares Template.
- Football Squares (commonly referred to as Super Bowl Squares) is an exciting game that anyone can play, regardless of their knowledge of football. To get started, create your squares pool online or download our free printable football squares sheet. Once your blank football squares board is ready to go, players can begin selecting squares prior.
The 2021 Super Bowl is coming up soon. Two teams that don’t typically appear in the season’s biggest game are playing: Tampa Bay Buccaneers and The Kansas City Chiefs. As the game approaches, many people are beginning to play Super Bowl squares. If you’re not quite sure how to play but want to get an office pool started, here’s a step-by-step guide (plus free printable Super Bowl squares).
Step One: Print the Super Bowl Football Squares Chart
First, print a 10 square by 10 square chart. Use this link to print your free Superbowl squares chart.
Step Two: Set a Price for the Value of the Squares
Printable Super Bowl 54 Squares
If you decide to make a friendly wager on the game, you need to determine how much each square on the chart will be worth. Each participant will need to pay this amount for each square they place their name in on the chart. The amount for each square is completely up to you – adjust it according to the group of people you’re playing the game with. Below are a few examples of amounts you could determine each square to be worth, and what the total pool for that amount would be.
- 10 cent squares would create a total pool of $10.00
- 25 cent squares would create a total pool of $25.00
- 50 cent squares would create a total pool of $50.00
- 1 dollar squares would create a total pool of $100.00
- 2 dollar squares would create a total pool of $200.00
- 5 dollar squares would create a total pool of $500.00
- 10 dollar squares would create a total pool of $1000.00
If you don’t want to bet cash on the Super Bowl, you may consider giving away small prizes to the winning square holders. Typically, you’ll award these prizes after each quarter.
Step Three: Assign Squares

Printable Super Bowl 54 Squares Grid
Next, you will need to fill in the 100 squares inside the chart. As long as it is easy to determine who has claimed which square, you can organize this any way you want. The most common way to do this is to have all those participating initial the square(s) they want for the game. You can also assign each participant a color and allow them to color in the squares they’d like to claim.
The number of squares each person gets depends on the number of people playing the game. If you have 10 people playing, each would pick 10 squares (5 people playing, each would pick 20 squares, and so on).
Step Four: Randomly Assign Numbers
Have people fill in their squares before assigning numbers. Then, assign numbers 0-9 on the top and side of the chart. It is more likely for the end score for either team will end in a 0, 3, or 7 than most other numbers. For this reason, you’ll want to assign the number after people have colored/initialed their squares to provide everyone with the same odds of winning.
Step Five: Decide How to Award Prizes
Printable Super Bowl 54 Squares
There are a wide variety of ways to award prizes. You can decide which is best for you and the group you’re playing with. Most games give out a small amount at the end of each quarter, with a bigger prize for the participant that has the winning square at the end of the game. Below you’ll find some of the different ways you can award the prize money. For those who are giving away predetermined prizes rather than money, you should also determine how these will be awarded.
Step Six: Determine the Winners
In order to determine the winner, you need to look at the last number of the score for each team. For example, if the score is Kansas City 14 and Tampa Bay 13 after the first quarter, you would look for the “4” column from the Chiefs side, and “3” column from the Buccaneers side. Once the two columns have been determined, you run the lines together until they meet at a square which is the winner. You follow the same process with the scores at half-time, the end of the third quarter, and the final score.
Readers, are you participating in Super Bowl squares or any other Super Bowl game? Let us know your plans in the comment section below!
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Super Bowl Squares
Super Bowl 55 will be played at home of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers on February 7th, 2021.
Undoubtedly the biggest game of the NFL season and arguably one of the biggest sporting spectacles in the sporting calendar across the world. Many that watch it tend to like to have a gamble on the outcome, with betting squares a very popular method.
The Super Bowl Squares is a long-lasting tradition for those at home or at work, as well as the pizza and beer that gets consumed during the event. The game can be used to increase the excitement of the event itself for the participants watching and could even raise money for charities, depending on how the wagers are used.
Playing Super Bowl Squares
Not everyone understands how the game works, however, it is fairly simple to play and follow, requiring just a board to place wagers on.
The board consists of a grid of 100 squares in total, with a row of ten going down (y-axis) and a row of ten going across (x-axis). The numbers 0-9 should be placed above the grid along the top, as each number occupies a specific column, whilst the same should be done with the rows. After the rows and columns have been numbered, it is important to name your axises with one of the teams competing, so for example, the Patriots on the x-axis and the Eagles on the y-axis.
Super Bowl 55 Squares
(Easy to Edit and Print)
Selling Squares
Once the board has been completed, it is time to start “selling” the squares as wagers, with a set cost per square. The cost can be anything as desired, but for ease, an example could be $1 per square, making the overall grid worth $100.
The host will determine the cost of each square and is usually low as it is a game that is considered to be played in a friendly contest. There is no limit on how many squares can be purchased by one person, which would normally happen when there is not a huge amount of people competing.
At the end of the Super Bowl, the final score is what’s used for players to determine the winner, with the final numbers of each score being used. For example, if the score finished 14-7 to the Patriots, the player who selected the square of 4 in the x-axis and 7 in the y-axis would be the winner.
A simple strategy that can be followed to help someone win some money would be to look at past Super Bowl scores and pick the numbers that pop up most commonly.
For example, some common scores to have been produced are 27-24, 24-17, 20-17, 17-14, and 13-10. The end digits, which are what are important in the game of squares, of 0,3,4, and 7 appear a number of times so they could give a player an increased chance of winning.
Different ways to play the game
Super Bowl 54 Squares Chiefs
There are plenty of ways to play this simple game and could have more than one person profiting from the game, with the scores from each quarter also being used. A traditional method of splitting the winning pot for this type of game would be to split the pot into fifths and at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd quarters, the winner would take a fifth of the total, whilst the person who correctly predicts the final score takes home two-fifths.