How Long Has The Cfl Been Around
- How Long Has The Cfl Been Around
- How Many Years Has The Xfl Been Around
- How Long Has The Cfl Been Around
The CFL has been around for more than 100 years, and the Grey Cup championship is a celebration like no other, including the Super Bowl. The CFL offers Kaepernick something else. He could use the.
It could be said no one waves the Canadian Football League flag more passionately than Mike O’Shea, who is as patriotic and as fervent a supporter of the three-down game as anyone in this country.
- Canadian Football League (CFL) Although football under formalized rules has been played in Canada since the 1860s, the Canadian Football League (CFL) began its formal existence in January 1958.
- I think it's a Canadian institution that's been around so long and it would be just a shame if something was to happen and I followed Danny's career, you know when you see a Canadian become a general manager to Seel and the Canadian become a head coach. And when I wake up, I think you won 050305. That's correct right and we won we won with the.
That, in part, helps explain the hurt the Winnipeg Blue Bombers head coach felt Monday when the plug was pulled on a 2020 season.

“It was extremely easy to be hopeful, feeding off the positivity and the energy that Wade (Miller, Bombers President & CEO) had and watching the amount of work Wade and his staff and (Bombers head athletic therapist) Al Couture put in on putting a plan together for the government to make Winnipeg a safe place to have a bubble and have a season,” began O’Shea in a media availability just outside IG Field on Wednesday.
“So, it was really easy to be positive. I said this a few times to some friends – even though I knew that not having a season was a possibility and I knew there were some indicators from the federal government, even with all that, the announcement came and it was like I was completely blindsided. It sounds very odd to say when you are going through the offseason where you are paying attention, but we really thought that we had it nailed.
How Long Has The Cfl Been Around
“The moment surrounding the announcement when I found out for sure it was cancelled was extremely sad, one of the saddest days I’ve had in a long, long time.”
O’Shea held a Zoom call with Bombers players after Monday’s announcement and encouraged all those participating to continue a theme that has become commonplace in the clubhouse since his arrival in 2014, and especially in the last few seasons.
“They’ve gone through a lot of pain and they’ve suffered the most, I’m sure,” said O’Shea. “My main message was like during the season in the locker room, they’ve got to look after each other. They’ve got be able to lean on each other.
“Our team did a great job of that last year and I wanted them to continue that through the offseason. Just be great teammates to each other for this next little while till they get going.”
Not surprisingly, O’Shea would not point the fingers of blame at anyone as to why the hub city plans fell apart, choosing instead to praise the Bombers staffers who worked to get the details ironed out, as well as the CFL Players’ Association and those at league headquarters.
“I believe they worked extremely hard to get this done, too, at their level,” said O’Shea of the league. “Wade was tasked with his portion of a return to play plan and he attacked it like he attacks everything else. Randy (Ambrosie, CFL commissioner) and his staff at the CFL were tasked with a different set of tasks to get things done and they attacked it, too, with a ton of energy and a ton of time spent. I’ve got nothing to say that would be negative in terms of their leadership and the Players’ Association… their group worked hard, too, to make sure we could get this done.
“I didn’t work out, but I would never fault anybody’s effort, that’s for sure.”
There were reports Wednesday afternoon that the CFL and the CFLPA were making headway on plans for the 441 players under contract to receive CEWS for July through December, as well as having their medical coverage extended through to 2021 training camp.
That’s a critical step for the league as it attempts to rebound, regroup and reload for 2021. Asked if he was concerned about what 2021 might look like for the CFL, O’Shea again adopted a positive outlook.
How Many Years Has The Xfl Been Around
“I’m not concerned,” he said. “I’ve been around the league long enough and as I said to the players, I’ve seen a lot of obstacles put in front of us and I’ve always seen us manage to bust through them.
“Although this is an obstacle we’ve never seen, I believe the outcome will be the same. We’ll figure out solutions and get around these things or through them and be playing in 2021 and it will be a great season for everyone. I know the players will be so excited to be back in the locker room together and back on the field. And the fans will be excited to enjoy the pride with which these players play with.
“… Nothing is guaranteed in life. It’s what you make of it, right? If you are optimistic like me and you believe absence makes the heart grow fonder, then we’re going to be in for a great season.”
O’Shea lamented the lost opportunity for the Bombers to repeat as Grey Cup champions, stating “You only get so many opportunities. The players understand that and we as coaches understand that. I believe 2020 would have presented a great opportunity to be Grey Cup champions.”
Calling Monday-Tuesday a “tough couple of days for Winnipeg sports fans” after the death of Winnipeg Jets icon Dale Hawerchuk – whom he met at a couple of golf tournaments in Barrie, Ont. – O’Shea has emphasized his players now take the steps necessary to recover emotionally from the stress of the last few months.
“There’s a part of it that says you’ve got to take care of yourself a little bit, in terms of this let down,” he said. “I mean, this has been a long time where you’re not going into work every day. But there’s always lots to do. We’ll be challenged with a new set of tasks very shortly when the CFL and the PA come together and get some answers, those will come back to us and we’ll have to sort it out and figure it out on a team level. In very short order we’ll be hustling our hump again to make it work.
“I do think the players, because of the emotional letdown of this and the rollercoaster everybody’s been on, it’s important that they do have some time to not have to think about it anymore. For some of those guys it will just be delve right back into training and for some others it will be walk away from it for a little bit. And both answers are right.
“The optimism that we had in terms of return to play just dragged on,” he added. “I’m happy for that optimism, I truly believed on Monday morning that we were going to be playing at some point. I like that I was blindsided by it. I do think the players now have to move and figure out what they have to do for their families and their livelihood.”
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Ok, I broke one of these a while ago. I have read every study I can find on it because my kids were in the room when it broke. We called poison control who were completely ignorant on the topic (so I found out later by reading studies). I am not trying to scare you with the following information, I am just trying to give you good information so you can lower your long term exposure and know what you should do now. You will also notice my hatred for these bulbs when I'm trying to just tell you facts, but I can't help it.
To put this into perspective for you there is between 1 and about 20 mg of mercury in a bulb (5 mg is an average), it takes about 50 ug per liter of blood to poison you, an adult has about 5 liters of blood/a child 1 liter. There are 1000 ug in a mg (so a bulb has 1000-20000 ug in it). You do not have to worry about short term skin contact during cleanup as skin has a low absorption rate (unless you have cuts or bruises), you also do not have to worry about ingestion as only 1/1000 of elemental mercury will be absorbed through your digestive system. You DO have to worry about inhalation, 80% of inhaled mercury will be absorbed into your bloodstream. Ignorant people will tell you how a thermometer has 500 to 1000 mg of mercury and they've been around forever so the mercury from a cfl is nothing, they are wrong. First of all thermometers have been phased out as they were too toxic, secondly mercury evapourates based on surface area. On average if a thermometer broke (it would be a little droplet of mercury) it would only evapourate around 50 ug of mercury PER HOUR. Because the evapouration rate of mercury is 50 ug per centimeter squared at room temperature. A cfl sprays a mist of microscopic mercury droplets and with a high surface area they evapourate quickly. For some reason the government likes to compare the two so keep what I'm saying in mind. Some of this mist evaporates quickly and during the first 10-15 minutes after the breakage the levels in the air are pretty high (near or above workplace toxic exposure limits i.e. OSHA's is 100 ug/m3 to never be surpassed). Much of the vapor condenses onto surfaces in the area, especially directly below the breakage. It will continue to vapourize mercury for months if spilled on a porous surface. The new EPA instructions for cleanup conveniently exclude this This is just a guess but they may have changed it because the old directions horrified people. The old instructions told you to double bag and throw away clothing, bedding, etc that came in direct contact with the bulb. Which is still true regardless of whether they state it now or not.
The place I am getting these numbers from is a study done in the state of Maine in 2008 where they actually broke the bulbs and measured the mercury levels, unbelievable that this hasn't been done before this.
This study is showing contamination on porous surfaces for months and not at low insignificant levels.

Anyway, I would not be overly worried about not pregnant adults around a mercury bulb breakage unless it is in a small unventilated area for a long period of time. What I would worry about is kids in the house. Your bed is contaminated, I cannot sugar coat this, you need to either dispose of your mattress or at the very lease put it in a well ventilated area (outside) for a few weeks or months. Mercury will evapourate a lot faster in the sun outside. Wipe down all non pourous surfaces in the area and ventilate your home very well!!. Take all porous items tin the immediate area to a well ventilated area for a few weeks at least. You didn't vacuum which is good, but if you cleaned up right away (like normal people do when something breaks) you were exposed to some mercury vapour. It does not go away in the 5-10 minutes the EPA says it does (read aforementioned Maine study). When the room is closed back up the mercury levels rebound until it has all evaporated. So stay ventilated for a while. I wouldn't let kids in the room for a while. If you have the broken bulb in your house or garage right now get it outside because the vapour goes right through bags or plastic containers of any kind. The only thing that stops mercury vapour is a glass jar. Do not take the broken bulb in your car to recycle it, just put it in the trash on garbage day or tell the ones who promote these bulbs as safe to come and get it and put in in their car. As for your washing machine, you may have contaminated it, but again its not a massive amount of mercury, I'm not sure how long the contamination would last in a washing machine from a cfl. I know a mercury thermometer could warrant a new washing machine and there is anywhere from 1/100 th to 1/20th of the mercury in a cfl. There are no studies on this. Some states EPA departments have testing equipment however realize that most of the equipment only reads down to 1 ug/m3 unless its a lumex, and the limit for long term exposure from the EPA is .3 ug, but that would tell you if your washing machine was heavily contaminated or not.
It will eventually all evaporate!! This may take a bit of time but your home will eventually be down to background levels of mercury. You obviously don't have to listen to a thing I'm telling you, but at the very least read the Maine cfl study and make up your own mind.
How Long Has The Cfl Been Around
Oh, and some people will tell you its like eating a can of tuna, but they're wrong because one is methyl mercury which distributes itself differently in your body. Heres an article for you that the enviros like to quote. . They seem to conveniently omit mention of childrens exposure to a cfl breakage and don't talk about chronic exposure from the contamination from a cfl breakage.